
Snow Art

Simon Beck

Snow Art

2014-12-19 18:48

Ever since Simon Beck was born he has been fascinated by geometrical patterns. He loved creating pictures, sculptures and drawings by mixing different geometrical elements.
Later as he became older he combined this fascination with his love for snow. The result are giant geometrical designs in snow and sand which will definitely make your heart skip a beat!

Snow Art
Mozart, StartUps and a horse

Maggie Kramer

Mozart, StartUps and a horse

2014-12-17 19:33

Maggie Kramer is a passionate young women working with StartUps. In her talk she shows to what extent there exist similarities between young horses and companies. Additionally she presents a great way of how to support new born enterprises in order to help them achieve success. According to her every company has its own rhytm and melody and by acknowledging their true nature she gives them the possibility to develop in a natural way. A great contribution on a both economical and interpersonal level!

Mozart, StartUps and a horse
Elephants - gentle, warmhearted giants

Bodo Förster

Elephants - gentle, warmhearted giants

2014-12-10 08:55

Bodo Förster is a passionate man gifted with a big heart. His passion is inflamed by elephants as they face a huge danger. Humans more and more take away their natural space in nature. For this reason Bodo founded Elephant Special Tours a business solution which allows him to rescue as many elephants as possible. In his talk he gave a very holisitc insight in this topic on a historical, logical and environmental level, in order to explain the necessity of rescuing these animals. Listening to him will show you that we are by far more connected with elephants than anyone would have dreamt of.

Elephants - gentle, warmhearted giants
Break rules, have fun - the story of a disruptive innovator

Sean Goff

Break rules, have fun - the story of a disruptive innovator

2014-12-05 08:14

Ever wondered what happens in the mind of a genius? Sean Goff is an extraodinary intelligent youngster who already is an expert on electronics and several other physical disciplines. In his talk he gives an enriching insight in his successes, but also amusing impressions of his failures and what he learned of them. Find out how he was able to become part of an electronics club by the age of 9 and why many schools will have a problem with their calculators in the future.

Break rules, have fun - the story of a disruptive innovator
Beatbox meets Volxmusic


Beatbox meets Volxmusic

2014-12-02 11:00

Death Schlager…Alternativ Volxmusik…? What?! Matakustix is an extraordinary creative and highly motivated band with a huge potential.. By combining Austrian Folk with e.g. hot Hip Hop Beats, deep bass tunes and an awesome Beatboxing performance they showed in a very refreshing way that borders between the several genres of music are just a construct which can be crossed easily.

Beatbox meets Volxmusic
Why We’re Unhappy: The Expectation Gap

Nat Ware

Why We’re Unhappy: The Expectation Gap

2014-11-19 09:27

Why are we getting richer but not happier? Why do lottery winners not have sustained happiness? Why are bronze medalists often happier than silver medalists? “The first step to being happy is to understand why we’re often unhappy,” says economist and entrepreneur Nat Ware.

Why We’re Unhappy: The Expectation Gap

Simon Beck

Snow Art

Ever since Simon Beck was born he has been fascinated by geometrical patterns. He loved creating pictures, sculptures and drawings by mixing different geometrical elements.
Later as he became older he combined this fascination with his love for snow. The result are giant geometrical designs in snow and sand which will definitely make your heart skip a beat!

Maggie Kramer

Mozart, StartUps and a horse

Maggie Kramer is a passionate young women working with StartUps. In her talk she shows to what extent there exist similarities between young horses and companies. Additionally she presents a great way of how to support new born enterprises in order to help them achieve success. According to her every company has its own rhytm and melody and by acknowledging their true nature she gives them the possibility to develop in a natural way. A great contribution on a both economical and interpersonal level!

Bodo Förster

Elephants - gentle, warmhearted giants

Bodo Förster is a passionate man gifted with a big heart. His passion is inflamed by elephants as they face a huge danger. Humans more and more take away their natural space in nature. For this reason Bodo founded Elephant Special Tours a business solution which allows him to rescue as many elephants as possible. In his talk he gave a very holisitc insight in this topic on a historical, logical and environmental level, in order to explain the necessity of rescuing these animals. Listening to him will show you that we are by far more connected with elephants than anyone would have dreamt of.

Sean Goff

Break rules, have fun - the story of a disruptive innovator

Ever wondered what happens in the mind of a genius? Sean Goff is an extraodinary intelligent youngster who already is an expert on electronics and several other physical disciplines. In his talk he gives an enriching insight in his successes, but also amusing impressions of his failures and what he learned of them. Find out how he was able to become part of an electronics club by the age of 9 and why many schools will have a problem with their calculators in the future.


Beatbox meets Volxmusic

Death Schlager…Alternativ Volxmusik…? What?! Matakustix is an extraordinary creative and highly motivated band with a huge potential.. By combining Austrian Folk with e.g. hot Hip Hop Beats, deep bass tunes and an awesome Beatboxing performance they showed in a very refreshing way that borders between the several genres of music are just a construct which can be crossed easily.

Nat Ware

Why We’re Unhappy: The Expectation Gap

Why are we getting richer but not happier? Why do lottery winners not have sustained happiness? Why are bronze medalists often happier than silver medalists? “The first step to being happy is to understand why we’re often unhappy,” says economist and entrepreneur Nat Ware.

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Press clippings

One day, baby, we’ll be old



One day, baby, we’ll be old

Das Streben nach Glück



Das Streben nach Glück

TEDx-Triathlon: Kärnten, Wien und OÖ



TEDx-Triathlon: Kärnten, Wien und OÖ

Etična podjetja bodo v bodoče uspešnejša


Moja Slovenija

Etična podjetja bodo v bodoče uspešnejša

IYASA collaborates with Austrian musicians


New Zimbabwe

IYASA collaborates with Austrian musicians

Iyasa collabos with Austrian musicians


The Sunday News

Iyasa collabos with Austrian musicians

Etična podjetja bodo v bodoče uspešnejša



Etična podjetja bodo v bodoče uspešnejša

Ein Schloss voller Ideen



Ein Schloss voller Ideen

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TEDxKlagenfurt Network


Schloss Hallegg

Hallegger Strasse 131

9061 Klagenfurt/Celovec

The location of TEDxKlagenfurt 2014 was at least as amazing as our speakers.

TEDxKlagenfurt 2015 took place at the wonderful „Schloss Hallegg“. The castle was built in the 16th century and is located close to Klagenfurt, where It is situated on a small hill, which guarantees an exceptional view. Schloss Hallegg is still in pretty good condition and the inner courtyards are among the most beautiful and fascinating ones in Austria.